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Survey Reveals:

Americans identify stress as their #1 health concern today. 50%+ of adults in the U.S. report high stress on a daily basis. Untreated, stress can seriously affect performance, health, & well-being.

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Find ways to handle stress. Keep employees happy and productive.

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Causes of Stress
Symptoms of Stress
Effects of Stress
Benefits of Exercise

Stress Management

How to Beat Stress

Being a single mom with two kids, one of them a teenager with a busy schedule, the other an 11 year old who thinks she is 16, as well as trying to get to the gym daily before work and having a second job, three days a week…can be extremely stressful!

But, I have found that the key to successful stress management is to keep a mild, healthy degree of stress in your life, in intermittent amounts. It sounds crazy, but that’s how our brain works.

Relieving Stress

Relieving Stress

WD heart health expert Michelle Albert, MD. ,explains that stress sets off a surge of hormones, like adrenaline & cortisol, in your body. Elevated levels of these hormones can harm your heart because they raise your blood pressure and cause inflammation.  So it’s important to develop ways to cope when life becomes tense.

Each of us respond to stress in our own ways, so experiment with techniques that may help bring  balance in your life, and learn what works best for you. Most importantly, what I have learnt through trying to de-stress, is to make time for yourself.

This quick list helps me to manage stress in my daily life. I thought that I would share it with you.

Get away from the noise
Visualize yourself in a tranquil place
Gain control of your breathing
Repeat a helpful or inspiring quote or word
Use your imagination
Laugh a lot
Cry because you can

See problems as opportunities
Don’t take anything  personally
It’s not a perfect world out there
Push away negative thoughts
Control yourself! Not others
Smile. When you do, you feel better
Be yourself

Eat healthy foods
Cook more often
Practice yoga
Get a massage
Take a nap
Listen to soothing music.
Get enough sleep.
Take time out for yourself- Go for a walk, be in nature

I do and I feel great!