Stress Management Program Research

Research conducted for Stress Management Program

The purpose of the research was to examine the effectiveness of a comprehensive stress management program in women with reproductive disorders in an outpatient setting.

What the Stress Management Program consists of.

The eight-week stress management program consisted of exposure to stress reduction and physical  relaxation. 

This included:

The people who participated in the stress management program research completed individual symptom response sheets on a weekly basis starting from the first week of the program.

First, they filled out a subjective questionnaire at the beginning. After that, they filled out the same questionnaire half way through, in the middle of the 8 weeks. In conclusion of the research, they filled out the questionnaire again at the end of the stress management program.

Research Results

The results showed that the women reported being significantly more positive as well as experiencing a reduction of stress at the end of the program.

In conclusion, there was an overall 42% drop in their objective scores as shown in the questionnaires.

Research Results for Subgroups

  • The subgroup of stress-related problem showed a 49% reduction.
  • The subgroup with primary depression showed a 42% reduction.
  • The subgroup of primary anxiety showed a 48% reduction.

Research Conclusion

The study showed how stress reduction techniques results in a major reduction in subjective scores, improved well-being, and relieved anxiety and depression.

The study reinforced that ‘elicitation of a relaxation response’ results in a predictable, positive, clinical outcome.

Male Subject Outcomes

Most noteworthy is that male subjects participated in the exact same program. They were suffering with a variety of psychological and physical symptoms like anxiety and depression, high blood pressure, and obesity. Similarly, they too, responded equally well and produced similar positive results to the program.

It’s clear that the program reduces stress and anxiety. Similarly, the program also promotes health and well-being by using educational and experiential principles. Additionally, it encourages positive stress coping skills and improves overall well-being.



Life may not change but your Attitude will!

The study was conducted by
Pamela Nathan L.Ac. B.A.,
Steven Brody MD
Michael Lydic MD


See Study Details


Michael Lydic MD


Steven Brody MD


Pamela Nathan LAc, BA