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Helpful Hints on Relaxation Practice at Home

Relaxation Practice at Home

Go gently with Relaxation Practice at home

Here are some helpful hints on relaxation practice at home. You will really benefit from introducing a regular, consistent practice. Even though there is so much uncertainty in our world today, with literally, no way of being to anticipate what tomorrow holds, you will feel a whole lot better inside you by incorporating relaxation practice into your daily routines.

1 Decide on a time of Day

Be realistic about when relaxation can fit into your schedule. What I do, is wake up earlier in the morning, 20 minutes before the actual time I need to get out of bed and start my day. That way my daily relaxation practice is taken care of and I don’t need to think about it again for the day, unless I feel like devoting another 20 minutes to repeat it. Can you wake up your desired amount of time first thing in the morning?

Or how about turning off the TV a little earlier every night? This could be the second time you practive eliciting a relaxation response, or the first. What ever you prefer — simply find a time that works best for you.

And, if its a challenge to remembering to do it, how about setting a reminder on your phone?

2 Select How long you want to do the relaxation

What works for you? It may be different every day … or each time you do it in one day. Don’t set your goals to high and try an hour right from start, for instance. I advise 20 minutes, however, that too, may feel too long for you. Rather think about what length of time that works for you. It’s far better to start with a shorter time and be consistent with your practice, rather than attempting longer time, sporadically. Over time you may be able to feel comfortable with increasing the amount of time you practice.

3 Choose Your Place

Relaxation can be done anywhere. I suggest sitting in a chair, however you can choose to be on the floor, maybe using a cushion to sit on, laying in bed or on the sofa, or even outside. Do wear comfortable clothing. Also try to limit any distractions as much as possible. Anything like physical clutter or outside noise can be an issue. If you can, think about making a ‘dedicated space’ if you can.

4 Be Consistent

Keep at it. Once of the most important aspects and one that will provide you with the most benefit is consistency. Find a way to make your relaxation time into a daily habit. Now that we’re all asked to stay quarantined at home, it’s a perfect time to put it to practice. With the challenges we’re facing with Coronavirus COVID 19 it can be a valuable tool to to quiet the mind, reduce stress and anxiety, improve your mood, and even enhance your immune system, as research has shown. We all need whatever we can do to we all could use a protect ourselves from stress and illness.

4 Test out a Practice that is Right for You

Generally speaking you allow thoughts to come in and out of your mind, without judgment. However, relaxation techniques differ and there are many to choose from. Our stress management program offers eight different techniques to choose from. Aside from that, we also include a guided imagery selection, offer tools to help with positive thinking, simple advice on nutrition as well as a series of yoga stretches that you can easily do at home. The $129.00 program has now been reduced to $2.99

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